Birding for Beginners

Featured resources for birding enthusiasts.

bird, tree, white, brown


  1. Birds of the Los Angeles Region. Garrett, Dunn and Morse
    ISBN-10: 0964081059 | ISBN-13: 978-0964081055
    Available at the NHM Nature Store!
  2. National Geographic Birding Essentials. Alderfer and Dunn
    ISBN-10: 1426201354 | ISBN-13: 978-1426201356
  3. Bird Watching Resource Guide. Audubon
  4. eBird. Cornell Lab of Ornithology
  5. Drawing Birds. John Muir Laws
    Also see Opening the World through Nature Journaling below!


  1. Opening the World through Nature Journaling (Timed Behavioral Observation and Drawing Birds)
    The California Native Plant Society
  2. Question Formulation Technique
    The Right Question Institute
  3. Next Generation Science Standards
    Science and Engineering Practices