Walking With Giant Sloths Take a (virtual) summer road trip to White Sands National Park to explore the fossilized tracks of giant ground sloths
Mammoths vs Mastodons: A La Brea Tar Pits Trunk Show Discover the differences between Columbian mammoths and American mastodons
Digital Guide to La Brea Tar Pits Explore La Brea Tar Pits—including the new Mark Dion exhibit Excavations—as well as over 160 international museums, galleries, sculpture parks, gardens, and cultural spaces on Bloomberg Connects, the free arts and culture app.
Elephant Hill Community Nature Celebration and Habitat Survey Join community members and scientists, Saturday, October 14, to celebrate and study nature on Elephant Hill, an open space in North East L.A. valuable to humans and wildlife.
Why Did the Ice Age Titans Go Extinct? A new study reveals that human impacts in an environment made fire-prone by climate change and herbivore loss led to large mammals vanishing from southern California.